På bara sju månader har World of Warcraft tappat 54% av sina intäkter, menar en undersökning från analytikerna på Super Data Research. I april drog Blizzards onlinejätte in $93 miljoner, vilket bleknar jämfört med sju månader tidigare då summan låg på $204 miljoner. Super Data Research menar att Blizzard måste börja implementera mikrotransaktioner i större utsträckning, vilket det ju pratats om tidigare.
"What we generally see after a switch to free-to-play is an influx of new players and a spike in revenues, which, if the cards are played right, can be sustained. But to switch entirely to F2P is currently too much of a jolt for WoW, and doesn't make sense with the current metrics."
"For example, in order to have sustained the US revenues the game saw in 2011, it would have had to convert 53% of the total free-to-play audience in the US at the time. However, there are now more F2P gamers in the country-and worldwide-so it's becoming easier to capture this audience. But there's also more competition."
Vi har tidigare rapporterat att World of Warcraft tappar spelare i rasande takt.