Prince of Persia

Utmaningar i Prince of Persia

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Prince of Persia innehåller en lång rad utmaningar för Xbox 360- och Playstation 3-ägare att samla poäng på. Här är hela listan över vad ni snart kan ta er för. För att undvika spoilers berättar vi inte hur man uppnår varje, men det rör sig förstås om en blandning av rena oundvikliga story-moment, bosstrider, att utnyttja alla finesser i striderna, att hitta snabba vägar genom olika områden, att samla på sig ljuskristaller och även att hitta olika extremt väl dolda platser. Ett riktigt bra utbud alltså.

First Meet - Encounter Elika
Save me please - Discover Save Me
All the basic - Completing the Canyon
Explorer - Use Compass (first time)
Beginner Healer - Healing 01
Master Healer - Last Healing
Hunter's end - Kill Hunter in his lair
Warrior's end - Kill Warrior in his lair
Concubine's end - Kill Concubine in her lair
Alchemist's end - Kill Alchemist in his lair
Ahriman's end - Kill Ahriman
Explorer - Explore every part of every region.
Block Master - Blocking 50 attacks
Deflect Master - Deflecting 20 attacks
Biggest combo - Do 14 combo hit in fight
Be gentle with her - Do less than 100 save-me throught the game
Breaker - Use a enemy to break something
Against the wall - Win a wall mini-game in fight
Race Ruined Citadel - Run from the Sun Temple's Fertile Ground to the Fertile Ground in Windmills in 5 minutes
Race Observatory - Run from the Fertile Ground in the Construction Yards to the Fertile Ground in Heaven's Stair in 6 minutes
Race High Castle - Run from the Fertile Ground in the Royal Gardens to the Fertile Ground in the Coronation Halls in 4 minutes
Race Lava Rift - Go from the Fertile Ground in the Tower of Ahriman to the Fertile Ground in the City of Light in 7 minutes
Warrior Special - Dodge 20 warrior attack in one fight
Hunter Special - Deflect hunter 5 times in one fight
Alchemist Special - Defeat the Alchemist without using the acrobatic button
Concubine Special - Defeat the concubine without using grab
Sparkles rookie - Collect 100 sparkles
Sparkles beginner - Collect 200 sparkles
Sparkles casual - Collect 300 sparkles
Sparkles novice - Collect 400 sparkles
Sparkles collector - Collect 500 sparkles
Sparkles chief - Collect 600 sparkles
Sparkles veteran - Collect 700 sparkles
Sparkles expert - Collect 800 sparkles
Sparkles hardcore - Collect 900 sparkles
Sparkles master - Collect 1001 sparkles
Speed and peace - Kill 10 generic enemies before they spawn.
Thrower - Throw 10 generic enemies in pits
Assassin View - Find the Assassin view
Titanic view - Find the Titanic View
Jumper - 500 coop jumps
Precious Time - Take one minute to think (at the right time)
Beginner Listener - Trigger one dialogue with Elika
Good Listener - Trigger more dialogue with Elika
Perfect Listener - Trigger a lot of dialogue with Elika
Climber - Found the highest point in the world
Diver - Find the lowest point in the world
Speed Demon - Finish the game in less than 12 hour
Gone baby gone - The End
Combo Specialist - Find every combo in the game

Prince of Persia
Prince of Persia
Prince of Persia

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Prince of Persia

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