Digital distribution av spel i vanligt idag, speciellt för mindre titlar. Det är lättare för indiestudios att ge ut sina spel denna väg och man håller således även undan kostnader, vilket i det stora hela bara är bra. Men, vissa gillar att köpa sina spel på skiva och andra vill även ge sina skapelser fysiska versioner. Martin Sahlin och Jakob Marklund på svenska Coldwood Interactive vill gärna se sitt norrländska äventyr Unravel stå och skryta på en butikshylla, detta säger de i en intervju med Games Industry:
"I would want to see Unravel on a disc, on a shelf, in a store. The concept of Unravel had a really wide appeal. A lot of different people who weren't at all into games, or were actively disinterested in them, said it looked like something they would want to try. But all the means of actually getting the game are quite niche. You have to be in these obscure online stores, and the people who are not involved in games don't care about those. But if you could get it in the supermarket, that would be a different thing. I would rather do that."
"Not all of us, but quite a few of us are failed musicians at Coldwood, so we'd really like having [a physical edition]. It's nice to have a box. This is my game. I bought it and care about it."
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