UFC-fightern Ronda Rousey gick från bronsmedaljör i OS 2004 (Judo) till mixed martial arts-superstjärna vidare till Hollywood (även om hon fortsätter att slåss i UFC). Efter att ha lirat i storfilmer som The Expendables 3, Fast & Furious 7 och Entourage vill Ronda nu spela huvudrollen i en kommande Metroid-film. Ingen sådan film är under utveckling, vad vi vet, men Ronda ville under en intervju med Gamespot ändå klargöra att hon drömmer om att gestalta Samus.
"I've always wanted to be Samus. That would be badass. I love how people found out later that it was a hot chick on the inside. And then most of the day you're in a suit, so you can just hang out and eat donuts and be the star of Metroid. I hope they make a movie out of that."
Ronda berättade även att hon väldigt gärna ville lira en av rollerna i Duncan Jones kommande Warcraft-film:
"It's funny because they were making a Warcraft movie, I was like "I want to do that!" That's what made me start playing World of Warcraft. And so I got into it backwards like that. It started out as role research for something I knew I would never get--I didn't have time or they were already filming it. It's kinda cool when two worlds connect like when they make a movie based on a book, and you go buy the book because you know if the book is being made into a movie it must be pretty good." Länk till hela intervjun.