Alla vet vi hur turerna såg ut vid det här laget. God of War: Ghost of Sparta-studion Ready at Dawn arbetade fyra år på PS4-spelet The Order 1886 som var olidligt haussat innan den väl lanserades. När spelet väl släpptes visade det sig vara en besvikelse där för mycket fokus lagts på grafik och koncept och för lite på spelmekanik och variation. I en lång intervju med amerikanska Polygon erkänner nu studions hövding Ru Weerasuriya att de satsade alldeles för mycket på själva "IP:t" (det vill säga: spelserien) snarare än att bry sig mer om att göra ett riktigt bra spel, och inget annat.
"I think the shortcomings come from so much concentration on building an IP at the very beginning. We were so dead-set on making sure this IP had a foundation — a big foundation — that stories could be told so many different ways. At one point, the IP and the story was driving a lot of the work that we were trying to do. It's kind of natural when you start a very new game. You've seen that with new IPs in the past — we're not the first ones. There have been many IPs in the past that were firsts, and if you look [at] the level of the gameplay and complexity, often times it's much smaller than [it might be in] a sequel. You need to set up the IP, you don't have time to do everything, so you rely on fewer mechanics. And then the sequel really brings you to the point where you're like, 'Alright, we'll expand everything." Länk
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