Starfield släpptes för ett tag sedan och bjöd på en gigantisk scifi-opera, men var samtidigt ganska avskalat när det gäller mängden brutalt våld - men så var det inte under hela utvecklingen.
Detta vet vi tack vare en intervju med Dennis Mejillones, som var senior artist hos Bethesda i cirka tolv år och arbetade med Fallout 4, Skyrim och så småningom Starfield. Han säger att vid en tidpunkt i utvecklingen var det sistnämnda spelet betydligt mer våldsamt och brutalt.
"Fallout is very stylized in that regard. It's meant to be... that's part of the tongue-in-cheek humour. You know, that [Bloody Mess] perk you get where you can make a mess out of somebody, they just blow up into goo, it's part of the fun. It's like those old-school animes like Fist of the North Star - they punch each other, and gushes of blood would forever come out, it's like nobody can hold that much blood but you're like 'oh man, that's cool'. I think for Starfield it was definitely meant to be more low-key and realistic. We were inspired a lot by things like The Expanse and Star Trek, stuff like that, so I think it just didn't fit thematically. And on top of that you have the technical overhead cost to get it to work, so we were kind of like 'it's probably better not to include it in this game'."
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