Har du varit sugen på att testa The Elder Scrolla Online: Tamriel Unlimited men inte känt dig nog pepp för att pröjsa för spelet? I helgen (eller snarare veckan ut) kan du lira det helt gratis på både PC och Playstation 4. Gratishelgen gäller från och med imorgon tills söndag på Playstation 4 och från imorgon tills på måndag på PC. Utöver att spelet är gratis att spela är priserna på in game-godbitar nedsatta.
Vill du istället spela på Xbox One får du vänta något längre, Zenimax Online Studios jobbar på en gratis-helg för även Xbox-spelare.
Läs mer nedan eller på spelets officiella hemsida!
We're thrilled to announce our very first Free Play Weekend for The Elder Scrolls Online on PlayStation 4. This is a great opportunity to jump into the giant world of ESO and try it for yourself. You'll be able to begin downloading the game on the PlayStation Network this Wednesday (November 16) starting at 12:01AM local time in Europe and 12:01AM EST in North America. Simply navigate to the The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited on the PlayStation Store, download the game, and create your ESO account. (PlayStation Plus is not required to participate in the ESO Free Play Weekend.) If you're downloading ESO for the first time, please be aware that Tamriel is a fully breathing online Elder Scrolls world and requires 73GB of HDD space, so plan ahead!
Once ESO is installed and you've created your account, you can log in and begin your adventure in Tamriel. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you're playing ESO on a Free Play Weekend account:
You'll have access to the full The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited base game, not including DLC game pack areas
Upon account creation, you'll get 500 crowns to spend in the Crown Store on fun costumes, unique pets, helpful scrolls, and more
After the Free Play Weekend ends, you can continue right where you left off! Any characters you create, Crown Packs, or Crown Store items you purchase, as well as any progress you make during the Free Play Weekend will carry over when you purchase the game
The Free Play Weekend will run until November 20 at 11:59PM local time in Europe and 11:59PM EST in North America.
If you'll be joining us on PC/Mac for the ESO Free Play Weekend, you can begin downloading the game now on Steam so you're ready to team up with friends when the event begins on Wednesday, November 16 at 1:00PM EST/6:00PM GMT. Navigate to The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited product page on Steam, download and install it, and create your ESO account.
Much like on PlayStation 4, here are a few things to keep in mind if you're playing ESO on a PC/Mac Free Play Weekend account:
You'll have access to the full The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited base game, not including DLC game pack areas
Upon account creation, you'll get 500 crowns to spend in the Crown Store
Any characters you create, Crown Packs or Crown Store items you purchase, and progress you make during the Free Play Weekend will carry over if you decide purchase the game
The Free Play Weekend on PC/Mac will run until Monday, November 21 at 1:00PM EST/6:00PM GMT.