The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited

Spela The Elder Scrolls Online gratis på Xbox One i veckan

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Förra veckan kunde Playstation 4 samt PC-spelare testa Onlinerollspelet The Elder Scrolls Online helt gratis medan Xbox One-spelare fick se på. Nu är det dock dags för gratishelgen (om man nu kan kalla onsdag - söndag helg) även på Xbox One.

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The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited

Starting Wednesday, November 23 at 12:01am EST to Sunday, November 27 at 11:59pm EST, Xbox Live Gold members can download and play The Elder Scrolls Online for free this holiday weekend! Adventure across the land of Tamriel, embark on epic quests, and experience the world of The Elder Scrolls Online for free as an Xbox Live Gold member.

On November 23, visit The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited product page on the Xbox Store to download the game to your console (it's about 80GB, so make sure you have enough space on your hard drive). Once complete, you can begin playing immediately! You'll also receive 500 crowns to spend on whatever you'd like in the Crown Store after you create your account.

We'll also have special pricing on The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Edition for Xbox Live Gold members if you decide to purchase the game during the Free Play Weekend, in addition to discounts on Crown Packs through various in-game storefronts. All Gamerscore and Achievements earned during this event period are yours to keep, and your save and game data will carry on if you decide to take advantage of the special promotional pricing or buy the game another time down the road.

Last, but certainly not least, participating in the Elder Scrolls Online Free Play Weekend will enter you to win one of five amazing trips of a lifetime through the Trip of a Lifetime* contest. Be sure to visit the contest page at for full rules and additional information.

We hope you'll enjoy your time with your family this holiday and playing The Elder Scrolls Online during this Free Play Weekend. For Tamriel!

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