Överlag så får vi väl ändå konstatera att det går bra för Sony, med 65,5 miljoner sålda Playstation 5 och i dagarna släpptes också kraftpaketet Playstation 5 Pro. Det finns dock en rejäl plump i protokollet och den plumpen stavas Concord. Efter att ha sålt endast 25 000 exemplar på två veckor så drogs spelet tillbaka, servrarna stängdes ned och så lade man även ned studion Firewalk Studio. Allt som allt så ska detta misslyckande ha kostat Sony hiskeliga 4 miljarder kronor.
I samband med en frågestund gällande speljättens ekonomiska resultat så passade Sonys CFO (finansdirektör) Hiroki Totoki att lufta sina tankar kring floppen:
"With regards to new IP, of course, you don't know the result until you actually try it. So for us, for our reflection, we probably need to have a lot of gates, including user testing or internal evaluation, and the timing of such gates. And then we need to bring them forward, and we should have done those gates much earlier than we did.
Also, we have a siloed organization, so going beyond the boundaries of those organizations in terms of development and also sales, I think that could have been much smoother.
And then going forward, in our own titles and in third-party titles, we do have many different windows. And we want to be able to select the right and optimal window so that we can deploy them on our own platform without cannibalization, so that we can maximize our performance in terms of title launches. That's all I have."
Hann du spela Concord innan det togs bort?