Shadow of the Colossus

Shadow of the Colossus-remaken använder kod från originalspelet

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I februari släpps remaken av Shadow of the Colossus till Playstation 4 och för utvecklingen står Bluepoint Games. I en intervju med Game Informer avslöjar studion att de varit så noggranna med att bibehålla originalets känsla att de använt massor av kod från Playstation 2-spelet som kom 2005.

Producenten Randall Lowe förklarar:

"Their [Team Ico's] design sensibilities were amazing. The use of coloring areas, the use of fog, the way they conveyed emotion without driving it through dialogue, they're masters of it. Maintaining that is really hard. It is a lot of conscious work to make sure that just by beatifying something, just by brining it up to what people expect modern games to look like, you don't break them. I think that's the most time we spend internally."

I samma intervju fyller technical director Peter Dalton i:

"It's a balancing act of which systems do we keep from the original game and which systems do we replace. When it comes to rendering systems those are completely Bluepoint customized technology pieces. When it comes to animations, there are whole new animation systems underneath the hood, but at the game level it's still the original game code that's running."

Shadow of the Colossus släpps till Playstation 4 den 7 februari. Hur tycker du Bluepoint Games beslut verkar?

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