5th Cell, skaparna av strålande DS-spelet Scribblenauts, arbetar just nu på ett nytt spel, enligt Gamasutra. Denna gång utvecklar man en än så länge hemlig titel till Xbox Live Arcade, som ska bli "riktigt stor".
"We're doing an Xbox Live Arcade title next, and it's going to be pretty big. It's going to be really cool. We're very excited about it... it's totally not ready to be announced. It's far away. The only thing that we've really announced is we're working on console stuff, and we'll see where it goes," berättar 5th Cell-grundaren Jeremiah Slaczka för Gamasutra.
Efter fyra DS-titlar byter man alltså format och det ska bli intressant att se vad detta projekt kan handla om.