Regissören till Black Panther-filmen, Ryan Coogler, har skapat en rejäl kassako till Marvel. Vi här på Gamereactor har delade åsikter kring filmen, men det är svårt att inte imponeras över filmens enorma framgång. I en intervju med The Toronto Sun uppger Coogler att han hade problem med att döda Andy Serkis karaktär, Ulysses Klaue:
"I love Andy, he's a lovely person. But again, it's one of those things where when you've got so many people in a movie, some of them have to go. Klaw in this movie, he's just having a good time. Every scene he's in, he's walking in like it's the best day of his life. He's got a swagger to him that's interesting and for me it was cool to see Andy act like that. It was a real pleasure."
Vad tyckte du om Andy Serkis i Black Panther?