Det är inte bara vi som är sugna på att säsong tre av Invicible ska komma, serietidningsskaparen Robert Kirkman är exhalterad för den kommande säsongen av den animerade TV-serien och teasade rejält under en intervju.
Han hade det här att säga:
"The stakes of the season are really high and the content of the season is really dense. So we've set up a lot of stories in season 1 and season 2 that are kind of coming to a head in season three. And so in a lot of ways, every episode does kind of feel like a finale. There's something big about every episode, there's a massive conclusion in every episode, there's some kind of huge evolution of a character or story turn that happens in every episode. I'm really excited to finally get to see season 3 because it's gonna be crazy."
Det var under San Diego Comic-Con som vi för första gången fick se klipp från säsong 3 med Mark Grayson i sin nya blå dräkt. Kirkman hade så här att säga om det:
"It's definitely an evolution of the series. I think it's growing darker season to season, if you can believe it and yes, it's more of that. Mark was in a really strange place at the end of every season, but definitely in the case of the second season, having killed Angstrom Levy and having to deal with that. That's really going to weigh on him and temper every decision he makes, every action he takes moving forward in season 3. It's going to change the way that the show operates."
Om vad vi har att vänta av säsong 3 sa han så här:
"I think you can see that Season 2 is an advancement of a lot of things that were introduced in Season 1. The stakes were higher, things got a little crazier, and there were a lot of pieces moving that were hinting at a lot of bigger stories. Those bigger stories really start crashing down in Season 3."
Serien handlar om den 18-årige Mark Grayson som är som alla andra artonåringar förutom den lilla detaljen att hans pappa är den mäktigaste superhjälten i hela världen.
Du kan se den animerade serien på Prime Video.