Grinding Gear Games kickstartade rollspel Path of Exile får sig snart en matig expansion med 30 nya maps, 19 nya bossar och en hord nya items. Expansionen Atlas of Worlds utökar end-gamekartornas storlek med nästa 50% så en hel del nytt kommer finnas att göra. Se fram emot expansionen och markera den 2 september i kalendern, det är då det är dags!
Explore 30 New Maps
Path of Exile's largest ever update in terms of new areas to explore, Atlas of Worlds increases the pool of end-game maps available by almost 50%.
Defeat 19 New Bosses
Fight your way through over a dozen new boss encounters to face the four Guardians of the Void and earn your right to challenge the Shaper himself.
Discover Exotic New Items
Featuring dozens of new Unique Items (many of which are designed by Path of Exile's community) and many entirely new base item types, Atlas of Worlds contains powerful items for players to find.