Grinding Gear Games, studion bakom det kostnadsfria actionäventyrsspelet Path of Exile, har nu presenterat den kommande expansionen Ultimatum och även dess releasedatum....
Grinding Gear Games mästerliga rollspel Path of Exile kommer byggas ut rejält under detta år, något de has bekräftar via sin officiella hemsida. De planerar nämligen inte...
Grinding Gear Games låter meddela att Path of Exile samt dess senaste expansion Synthesis kommer att släppas till Playstation 4 den 26 mars (finns sedan tidigare ute till...
Grinding Gear Games meddelar via sitt eget forum att patch 3.6.0 till Path of Exile inte kommer att släppas till varken Windows XP eller Vista. Därmed drar de alltså ut...
Via ett inlägg på officiella forumet meddelar nu Grinding Gear Games att Playstation 4-versionen av rollspelet Path of Exile tyvärr inte kommer den 7 december som...
Actionrollspelet Path of Exile ryktades under förra månaden vara på väg mot Playstation 4, och nu har utvecklaren Grinding Gear Games bekräftat att så mycket riktigt är...
Utvecklaren Grinding Gear Games tycks just nu vara i fill färd med att släppa Path of Exile, ett omtyckt actionrollspel, även till Playstation 4. Gematsu har noterat att...
Om du gillar klassiska PC-rollspel, så vet du såklart att det är goda nyheter att Grinding Gear Games ska släppa mästerliga Path of Exile till Xbox One under hösten. Vi...
Grinding Gear Games populära rollspel Path of Exile fick genomgående höga betyg när det släpptes till PC år 2013. Nu har det blivit dags för Xbox One-ägarna att få ta del...
Grinding Gear Games kickstartade rollspel Path of Exile får sig snart en matig expansion med 30 nya maps, 19 nya bossar och en hord nya items. Expansionen Atlas of Worlds...
Populära actionrollspelet (free to play) Path of Exile kommer under nästa månad att få en ny expansion. Det är Ascendancy som släpps den 4 mars och bland annat erbjuder...
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28