
Steam förbjuder utmärkelser och betygssymboler

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Alla har vi sett det, mängder av gånger. Hur utvecklare, naturligtvis, använder sig av diverse utmärkelser för att sälja sitt spel. "Game of the Year Edition" eller "10/10 - Gamereactor" är ingen ovanlighet att hitta på diverse spelomslag men enligt Valve-ägda Steam är detta en styggelse som geggar ned och gör deras urtjusiga (OBS! Ironi) shop for digitala spelköp fulare än vad de avser att tillåta. Så, nu förbjuds de. Logotyper, utmärkelse-symboler, betygsloggor och allt sånt förbjuds härmed på Steam och detta meddelande man via denna informationstext:

New Rules For Graphical Asset Capsules
It's our goal to make it as clear and straightforward as possible for customers to find games to buy and play on Steam. Recently, we've noticed more text, award logos, and even review scores being included by game developers in their graphical asset images. This made us realize our guidelines haven't been as clear as they should be. As a result of not having clearly-defined rules, we've seen additions to graphical assets that are creating a confusing and sometimes even inaccurate experience for customers. For example, some game logos themselves have become so small that it's hard for players to tell what the name of the game is. In other cases, graphical asset images are so cluttered with award logos and ratings that it is distracting and hard to read. Some capsules include review scores that are no longer accurate. We also see that in most cases this additional text on assets is presented in English language only, isolating much of the Steam audience that doesn't speak English. We understand that developers want to communicate with their players about the quality of their games, and Steam already has spaces on game store pages to present most of this information. Press review quotes, press review scores, and special awards each have dedicated spaces on Steam store pages where it can be presented consistently and where customers can expect to find that information.

Content on base graphical asset capsules on Steam is limited to game artwork, the game name, and any official subtitle. For clarity, this means:
• No review scores of any kind, including Steam reviews or external news sources
• No award names, symbols, or logos
• No discount marketing copy (eg. no "On Sale Now" or "Up to 90% off" text)
• No text or imagery promoting a different product. This includes no marketing of sequels or other titles in the same franchise.
• No other miscellaneous text

Smått vansinnigt, tycker vi här på Gamereactor.

Steam förbjuder utmärkelser och betygssymbolerSteam förbjuder utmärkelser och betygssymboler
Du får inte skryta!!! Hälsningar Gabe.

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