Guitar Hero: Aerosmith

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Massor av Aerosmith

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Att Guitar Hero: Aerosmith skulle innehålla mer än bara låtar från Aerosmith har varit klart länge, men nu är hela låtlistan klar så då kan ni själva avgöra om det är för mycket av den varan eller inte. Låtarna är uppdelade i olika grupper med olika svårighetsgrader och namn precis som tidigare. Totalt är det 41 låtar i spelet varav 10 stycken är bonuslåtar.

Tier 1: "Getting the Band Together" (Nipmuc High School)
"All the Young Dudes" by Mott the Hoople (cover)
"Draw the Line" by Aerosmith
"Dream Police" by Cheap Trick
"Make It" by Aerosmith (re-recorded)
"Uncle Salty" by Aerosmith

Tier 2: "First Taste of Success" (Max's Kansas City)
"All Day and All of the Night" by The Kinks (cover)
"I Hate Myself for Loving You" by Joan Jett
"Movin' Out" by Aerosmith (re-recorded)
"No Surprize" by Aerosmith
"Sweet Emotion" by Aerosmith

Tier 3: "The Triumphant Return" (The Orpheum)
"Complete Control" by The Clash
"Livin' on the Edge" by Aerosmith
"Love in an Elevator" by Aerosmith
"Personality Crisis" by New York Dolls (cover)
"Rag Doll" by Aerosmith

Tier 4: "International Superstars" (Moscow)
"Bright Light Fright" by Aerosmith
"King of Rock" by Run-D.M.C.
"Nobody's Fault" by Aerosmith
"She Sells Sanctuary" by The Cult
"Walk This Way" by Run-D.M.C. featuring Aerosmith

Tier 5: "The Great American Band" (Half Time Show)
"Always on the Run" by Lenny Kravitz
"Back in the Saddle" by Aerosmith
"Beyond Beautiful" by Aerosmith
"Dream On" by Aerosmith (re-recorded)
"Hard to Handle" by The Black Crowes (cover)

Tier 6: "Rock N Roll Legends" (Rock & Roll Hall of Fame)
"Cat Scratch Fever" by Ted Nugent
"Mama Kin" by Aerosmith (re-recorded)
"Sex Type Thing" by Stone Temple Pilots
"Toys In The Attic" by Aerosmith
"Train Kept A Rollin" by Aerosmith
"Guitar Battle vs Joe Perry" by Joe Perry

Bonus Songs (The Vault)
"Combination" by Aerosmith
"Kings and Queens" by Aerosmith
"Let The Music Do The Talking" by Aerosmith
"Mercy" by Joe Perry
"Pandora's Box" by Aerosmith
"Pink" by Aerosmith
"Rats In The Cellar" by Aerosmith
"Shakin' My Cage" by Joe Perry
"Talk Talkin" by Joe Perry
"Walk This Way" by Aerosmith

Spelet släpp i slutet av nästa månad, mer exakt den 27:de juli.

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Guitar Hero: AerosmithScore

Guitar Hero: Aerosmith

RECENSION. Skrivet av Petter Hegevall

Petter gillar inte Aerosmith... alls. Det blev därför en hel del utbrott och tjatig ilska då vi tvingade honom att sitta i spelrummet en hel dag tillsammans med Guitar Hero: Aerosmith

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