För inte så länge sedan pratades det om att skaparna av serien One Piece samtalade med Jamie Lee Curtis om att hon skulle axla rollen som Dr. Kureha i den andra säsongen av just One Piece och vi som gillar skådespelerskan gnuggade händerna i förtjusning.
Nu kan vi då komma med det dystra beskedet att Curtis inte kommer spela denna rollen och nyheten kommer från ingen mindre än seriens producent Becky Clements.
I en intervju med Deadline sa hon så här:
"She loves the show. She has too many films and TV shows that she's going into production on so our production dates aren't going to work. She definitely wanted to do it but she's got deals in first position, and it just became complicated."
I samma intervju hintar hon även om att dom nu gett rollen till någon annan, men vem avslöjar hon inte mer än att hon säger så här:
"We have found an amazing person."
Hon pratar även en hel del om själva produktionen av serien:
"This group here is incredible across the board, these actors, the production designers, the stunt team, the VFX team, the AD team alone, the things they have to balance. We typically prep and shoot multiple episodes at the same time so you often have two units going; the way you have to split your actors and your stunts teams.
We are building sets on stage, we're also on location quite a bit. I think we're between 900 and 1,200 people strong, and the level of creativity and professionalism in wardrobe, hair and makeup, Jaco Snyman, our prosthetics person, it's inspiring. These people are some of the best I've ever worked with.
And this IP, Oda's brain is so fertile and unique that everyone is invigorated every day of like, How are we going to do this, and folks who've been at this for awhile, you can just feel the almost childlike excitement about trying to pull it off."
Just idag finns det inget release datum på den andra säsongen av One Piece men den förväntas släppas på Netflix någon gång under 2025.