Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

James Mangold blev sårad av Dial of Destiny-reaktionerna

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Logan-regissören James Mangold har haft fullt med sin kommande dramafilm om Bob Dylans karriär kallad A Complete Unknown, men under en intervju med Deadline pratade han om mer än bara filmbiografin. Mangold avslöjade också hur sårad han blev av reaktionerna till hans Indiana Jones-film Dial of Destiny och hanteringen av karaktären, där han menar att det aldrig hade gått att göra alla fans nöjda:

"You have a wonderful, brilliant actor who's in his eighties. So I'm making a movie about this guy in his eighties, but his audience on one other level doesn't want to confront their hero at that age. And I am like, I'm good with it. We made the movie. But the question is, how would anything have made the audience happy with that, other than having to start over again with a new guy?"

"And then here come lifelong heroes from my childhood into my life going, 'We have something for you to work on.' It was a "joyous experience, but it hurt in the sense that I really love Harrison and I wanted audiences to love him as he was and to accept that that's part of what the movie has to say—that things come to an end, that's part of life."

A Complete Unknown med Timothée Chamalet i huvudrollen får premiär först den 25 februari i Sverige. Vad tyckte du om Dial of Destiny?

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
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