Evolution Championship Series (även bara kallat EVO) 2024 går just nu av stapeln och fightingnyheterna står som spön i backen. Bandai Namco tog tillfället i akt att utannonsera den närmaste framtiden för deras långlivade slagsmålsserie Tekkens åttonde upplaga, och till fansens stora glädje berättades det att det i höst är det dags för kungen av Iron Fist Tournament, Heihachi Mishima, att återvända från de döda.
Mannen med blixthänder och unik skepparkrans togs som bekant av daga i Tekken 7, men Tekken-profilerna Katsuhiro Harada och Kohei Ikeda fick under EVO 2024 chans att förklara tanken och motivet bakom hans återkomst:
"Tekken 7 really focused on the story arc between Heihachi and his son, Kazuya, and so, we really wanted to show that kind of final conclusion, and he seemed to die at that point [...] But then, after that happened, Tekken 8 was released, and we put a lot of effort into the story and the fans really seemed to be engaged with that. And as that was happening, we were kind of feeling that the players kind of missed him as well. Obviously, we did, too. So, it was kind of decided later on that we would do that."
"We did kind of make the preparations for Heihachi [...] Reina was one due to that link that she has to Heihachi. And then, if you look closely at the 30th anniversary logo, you can see that it's comprised of Devil's wings. There are two different styles, but if you take a step back and look at, it actually looks like the silhouette of Heihachi's face. Right? So, we were doing some of the preparations in the background."
"Like you imagine, it is a bit too early to be talking many details about his character, but to give some hints, he has a very powerful play style throughout the series, so we tried to recreate that in Tekken 8 [...] So, the focus is on that. But also, if you saw the story hints about the monks in the footage and what he has to do with them, that will maybe dictate some of his move set as well."
Förutom denna tredje DLC-karaktär (efter Eddy Gordo och Lidia Sobieska) utannonserades även Tekkens första story-DLC någonsin, kallat The Dark Awakens. Till skillnad från Heihachi kommer detta att vara helt gratis och fokusera på att fördjupa relationen mellan Kazama och Mishimia-familjerna. Kolla in Heihachis trailer här.