Guitar Hero: Aerosmith

Guitar Hero med Aerosmith

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Activision har precis utannonserat det första Guitar Hero-spelet helt dedikerat till en rockgrupp - Guitar Hero: Aerosmith som ska lanseras i juni. I spelet får du ikläda dig rollen som 70-talsrockarna som överlevde 80-talet (mot alla odds) och blev pånyttfödda på 90-talet. Bara att börja tänja läpparna så du kan se ut som Steven Tyler.

För att fira Guitar Hero: Aerosmith kan alla som äger Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock till Playstation 3 och Xbox 360 ladda hem låten Dream On med Aerosmith gratis mellan 16-18 februari.

Eftersom de var lite småroliga så inkluderar vi bandets citat från pressreleasen här nedan:

"Having a game built around Aerosmith has been a huge honor and really a great experience for us. We've put a lot of ideas into the game so that fans can have fun interacting with our music, getting inside our body of work and learning about the band's history." (Joe Perry)

"Any band that can go from ‘Don't Want to Miss A Thing' to the ass-kicking ‘Sweet Emotion' to the cheekiness of ‘Love in an Elevator,' to the classic ballad ‘Dream On' shows why Activision chose us to headline this game based on the diversity of the Aerosmith catalog. Not only is songwriting a bitch, but then it goes and has puppies." (Steven Tyler)

"On a larger scale, it's cool for us to be pioneers helping to rebuild the music industry through a format like video games. It's great for rock since the record companies are struggling to make sense of how things are changing. Fans want to get and experience music in new formats--and there are going to be some of them who will play the game, then pick up the guitar for real and start bands. It's what's happening now, and it's only going to build more momentum in the future. It's a massive change for the music business." (Perry igen)

Guitar Hero: Aerosmith

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Guitar Hero: Aerosmith

RECENSION. Skrivet av Petter Hegevall

Petter gillar inte Aerosmith... alls. Det blev därför en hel del utbrott och tjatig ilska då vi tvingade honom att sitta i spelrummet en hel dag tillsammans med Guitar Hero: Aerosmith

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