Den som skaffar Guitar Hero 5 kommer att kunna importera låtar från sitt Guitar Hero: World Tour, men bara 35 av totalt 85 låtar. Listan av vilka låtar som kan importeras (se nedan) kommer dock att bli längre framöver, berättar Activision. Importen av låtar kommer att kosta cirka 35 kronor.
* "About a Girl (Unplugged)" - Nirvana
* "Are You Gonna Go My Way" - Lenny Kravitz
* "Band on the Run" - "Wings
* "Dammit" - Blink 182
* "Demolition Man (Live)" - Sting
* "Do it Again" - Steely Dan
* "Everlong" - Foo Fighters
* "Heartbreaker" - Pat Benatar"
* "Hollywood Nights" - Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band
* "The Joker" - The Steve Miller Band* "The Kill" - 30 Seconds from Mars
* "L'Via L'Viaquez" - The Mars Volta
* "Lazy Eye" - Silversun Pickups
* "Livin' on a Prayer" - Bon Jovi
* "Love Spreads" - The Stone Roses
* "The Middle" - Jimmy Eat World
* "Never Too Late" - The Answer
* "No Sleep Till Brooklyn" - Beastie Boys
* "Obstacle 1" - Interpol
* "One Armed Scissor" - At the Drive In
* "One Way or Another" - Blondie
* "Our Truth" - Lacuna Coil
* "Overkill" - Motorhead
* "Re-Education Through Labor" - Rise Against
* "Santeria" - Sublime
* "Shiver" - Coldplay
* "Soul Doubt" - NOFX
* "Spiderwebs" - No Doubt
* "Still Born" - Black Label Society
* "Stranglehold" - Ted Nugent
* "Sweet Home Alabama (Live)" - Lynyrd Skynyrd
* "Today" - Smashing Pumpkins
* "Toy Boy" - Suck Up in the Sound
* "Up Around The Bend" - Creedence Clearwater Revival
* "You're Gonna Say Yeah!" - Hushpuppies