Vi fick chansen att prata med executive producer Chris Nicholls om vad som händer med Fantasia: Music Evolved och hur Harmonix använder den gamla Disney-klassikern till ett modernt Xbox One-spel. Nicholls sade bland annat:
"We knew we didn't want to make the game like an interactive version of the movie, that wouldn't have been cool. But we wanted to be really be genuinely connected to what they were trying to create, and really make it for now, make it for the 21st century, where the audience is different. This is about you expressing yourself and having a relationship with the music that you've never been able to have before."
Nicholls visade sig även vara väldigt förtjust i den nya Kinect-kameran till Xbox One:
<i>"The Kinect 2 really does change the experience for people. We're still in the early stages, I don't think people really understand what Kinect can do, and we maybe the first game that really sets out to make something that's never been done before, and that could only be done by, you know, waving your hands about like a crazy person."