Unravel Two skulle onekligen vara som klippt och skuret för Switch med ett gameplay som helt kretsar kring co-op och lämpat för kortare sessioner. Men hittills har ingen sådan version utannonserats och nu har game creator Martin Sahlin kommenterat saken på Twitter:
"Just so you all know - it's not that we're not aware that Unravel Two would be great on Switch. I mean, they even made it the right colors! But the reality is that a port would take a LOT of work and our small studio doesn't have the resources at the moment. If we could we would!
We haven't given up on it, we WANT to do it, we just haven't found a way to make it possible yet"
Producenten Michael Gill och lead programmer Jakob Marklund förklarar orsakerna närmare för Games Industry och säger där att det är en krävande titel trots dessa enkla utseende:
"Some locations have around four million triangles on screen. There are a lot of details, complex landscapes, all the vegetation and stuff. We can do it, but it will take some time"
Marklund utvecklar:
"There's water simulation in a lot of areas and the yarn physics - although they're quite simple mechanics, it still has a lot of layers just to make it playable. There are a lot of physics to tweak all the time, and we have systems on top of those to make it feel good as well. We use all cores quite heavily on the bigger consoles."
Ett annat problem är grafikmotorn. Unravel Two kör Sonys egna PhyreEngine som av naturliga skäl inte stödjer andra konsoler. Marklund fortsätter:
"We had to port it to Xbox One ourselves. It doesn't have support for Switch yet, so we would have to do that port and the engine work ourselves, and we're a really small team."
Coldwood Interactive säger att arbetet hade tagit minst ett halvår och därför kom det inte till lanseringen, men vi kan ju hålla tummarna för att det dyker upp ändå senare i höst. Vi recenserade nyligen Unravel Two och vad vi tyckte hittar du på denna länk.