Två teaser trailers har släppts men annars har det ju varit skralt med information kring den nya Resident Evil-serien som kommer att landa på Netflix i juli. Nu har dock både bilder och detaljer kring storyn kommit allmänheten tillhanda. Via Entertainment Weekly berättar nu en av manusförfattarna, Andrew Dabb hur han hoppas att fansen kommer att känna att teamet har lyckats plocka det bästa från varje spel och satt ihop rubbet till något som alla kommer att tycka om. Han lovar också att det kommer att finnas en intrikat gåta som löper över två olika tidslinjer, nutid och 2036.
Vi vet också sedan tidigare att rollen som Albert Wesker kommer att spelas av Lance Reddick och att dottern Jade Wesker spelas av Ella Balinska. Hon är svårt plågad av sitt förflutna och försöker att hitta sin försvunna syster Billie som försvann i samband med den apokalyps, orsakad av ett virus som drabbade mänskligheten 2036.
"What popped into my head really early on was she's like Jane Goodall for zombies. She's studying them. She's trying to learn how they operate. This is a new organism. Our zombies are not the risen dead. They're infected by a virus. All of us have had a crash course in viruses the last few years. This virus changes. It evolves and it has its own agenda."
Nu avslöja alltså Dabb detaljer kring storyn för första gången:
"We are now essentially 20-plus years from the first Raccoon City. Everyone knows it was destroyed in a very tragic incident, but very few people know exactly what happened, which makes sense, given that it was a bit of a cover-up in the U.S. government.The nefarious Umbrella Corporation, the one that experimented with the T-virus and bioterrorism that created the zombified monsters in the first place, has now been reinvented by the new CEO, Evelyn Marcus (Paola Nuñez), daughter of Umbrella founder and virologist James Marcus. She's not a character that exists in the games, though. There are some hints that she could, if you dig deep enough.
Since the bioweapon track didn't work out in Umbrella's favor, Evelyn has shifted their focus to consumer products, specifically a drug called Joy. This miracle med is designed to cure various forms of mental ailments, from depression to OCD. But patients should read the fine print, because the T-virus is included in the side effects. One shouldn't assume that Joy is the sole cause of the zombie outbreak that takes hold of the globe. It's just one piece of the puzzle. "As we'll talk about in the show, you'd have to take a lot of Joy to become a zombie. A lot. But whenever you're messing with the T-virus, it usually never goes well."
Jade är den hårda i syskonskaran medan Billie är den mer känsliga men båda har de sina demoner att kämpa mot och de kommer också att utvecklas och agera olika beroende på vilken tidslinje vi befinner oss i.
"The hope is they build, one of the other. The idea is you'll see things in the future story line. You're like, 'Wait! How did that happen?' And then that episode, or a couple of episodes later, you'll get the answer. In some ways, the future story line itself is a mystery. How did people get here? How did these relationships change? And it's all explained, but it's explained in a way that we've jigsawed it together. If you're watching it, you'll be able to see how all the threads start to weave together as we move through the story."
På måndag släpps en längre trailer men har du missat teaser ett och två så hittar du dem här!
Resident Evil släpps på Netflix 14:e juli