Diablo III: Reaper of Souls

Diablo III: Rise of the Necromancer - Vi intervjuar Rob Foote & Matthew Berger

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Under Pax East 2017 sprang Gamereactor TV-teamet runt och pratade med i stort sett varenda utvecklare som överhuvudtaget fanns på plats på mässgolvet och förutom allt vi hittills publicerat i form av videosnack träffade vi även Blizzards Rob Foote & Matthew Berger för att prata lite mer om kommande Diablo III: Rise of the Necromancer som släpps under våren.

"This May it will be five years since Diablo III came out and this month it's three years since Reaper of Souls came out, and a lot goes into making a class. Honestly, it's probably one of the most intensive features we can develop. It starts with an idea and the idea for the Necromancer was so strong. So once we have that we have to lay out the over 20 skills that go along with it, then there is five runes for every single skill, then you've got to layer on four sets on top of that as well as a host of complementary legendaries. And it ends up being quite a lot of work."

Diablo III: Reaper of Souls

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