Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Deus Ex-bossen om varför singleplayerspel bör kosta mindre

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Även om de blir allt färre, råder det ingen tvekan om att det finns en publik för påkostade singleplayerspel. God of War säljer just nu som sjutton och ligger högt på försäljningslistor runt om i världen, men trots det satsas det allt mer på onlienelement, co-op och liknande även i singleplayerspel.

Kanske borde dessa spel ha en annan betalmodell för att bli mer lönsamma? Det tror åtminstone Eidos Montreal-bossen David Anfossi som i en intervju med Games Industry säger:

"I believe that the story-driven experience is going through a generational change. Especially for people like me, the old guys... people who are 25 or older. Looking at God of War, that's a pretty good example of a great single-player experience. I like it a lot, but I might not get the time to complete it. For me, that's a frustration. Because when you start a story-driven experience you want to see the conclusion. So we have to adapt and try new models."

För att lösa det problemet tycker Anfossi att dessa spel borde kosta mindre:

"This is just my opinion, I'm not committing to anything - let's say that we develop a very good narrative, with a complex universe and strong characters. You start the game and then you complete it in three hours. That costs $30. That's it. Maybe that's the way to continue with story-driven games. You bring a strong experience, you make sure that the audience is interested by it, and that they can actually complete it."

Håller du med Anfossi?

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
"Fullpris för singleplayer? Skärp dig, annars blir det stryk!"

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