Burnout Paradise

Criterion skulle "gärna" göra ett nytt Burnout

Fansen har fortsatt efterfråga ett nytt Burnout under lång, lång tid. Medan EA verkar helt ointresserade av detta, är studion själv mer sugen...

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Criterion har precis släppt sitt första spel i Need for Speed-serien sedan den överlämnades till dem, men tyvärr är det inte den slam dunk många fans hoppades på. Drömmen om ett nytt Burnout kvarstår därmed.

Tyvärr tycks EA helt ointresserad av detta, och släpper hellre mediokra delar i Need for Speed-serien. Criterion själva verkar dock vara mer sugna och i en intervju hos Eurogamer säger studioveteranen Kieran Crimmins följande:

"Yeah, absolutely. I hope so. It's not something we're looking at doing now. It's not my next game or anything like that. Not that I could say if it wasn't, but I guess I can say that it's not the next game I will work on. But if you're talking about the two games that the studio has the most passion for, they're obviously Need for Speed and Burnout. We love those two franchises, and Burnout has a unique take on racing that I think would be absolutely phenomenal now. So I guess what I'm saying is, I would love to do that. And I hope that if everything goes well with these games, and we can expand the team, then maybe we can make one of those as well. It's not in the immediate future plans or anything like that, but man, it'd be really fun."

Vad tycker du själv om Need for Speed: Unbound?

Burnout Paradise

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Burnout Paradise

RECENSION. Skrivet av Petter Hegevall

Criterions fartfest har äntligen släppts till PC och Petter har givetvis satt betyg. Häng med till Paradise City!

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