Inför avtäckandet av Unravel Two under EA Play, fick vi chans att snacka med Coldwood Interactives Martin Sahlin för att få veta mer oh utvecklarens garnfyllda plattformsäventyr.
Sahlin berättade bland annat att de ville "to make something that felt more playful and bit light-hearted, and that was about creating a new bond rather than focusing on your old bond. So that turned into this little two-player game that's like... it's a two-player single-player game. That sounds weird but that's kind of how it is.
You always play as two characters; you can play by yourself or you can play it in co-op, but it's about these two little yarn creatures building their bond together and sharing an adventure."
Unravel Two finns ute nu till PC, Playstation 4 och Xbox One. Kolla in intervjun i sin helhet här nedan.