Är Dishonored 2 och Rage 2 på väg? Kanske. Bethesdas Pete Hines har enligt VG247 diskuterat sannolikheten för att uppföljarna kommer.
"The success of that game and how proud Arkane is of it and what goes on at any studio when they put out something like that, and all the ideas that are coming out, certainly it's something that we feel is a franchise," berättar Hines vad gäller Dishonored.
Hines lägger till att de bästa projekten utgivarens studios kan göra, helt enkelt är det de är bra på:
"It doesn't really matter what those guys are making. ‘What are you good at? What are you going to work on next? What are you going to do next? Okay, that's what we're going to do.' It's as simple as that."
Vad gäller Rage 2 berättar Hines att det inte är omöjligt, men att Id jobbar på något annat nu:
"To be determined. We'll see. Right now, [Id's] focus is on their current project. They are full bore on that. What I've seen of it recently, I'm super happy about it. We want them to stick to that until we're ready to talk about what that is. But let's wait until we get there first."